Irritating colleagues, deadlines, meetings, papers to edit – these are just some of the common scenes in the office, stressful indeed! We all deserve a break, but, this doesn’t mean that we need to spend some amount. Encourage your colleagues to take several mini – vacations each day every time stress is building.
Mini – vacations that doesn’t cost your money:
1. Deep Breathing – take time out to breathe. Follow the following solution – put your hands on your stomach and feel it rise as you draw air all the way down to the base of your spine. Let the air out slowly. Take another long, deep, cleaning breath and let it out. Do this several times, flooding your system with oxygen. A sense of relief and well – being washes over you. After a minute or two, you’re relaxed and rested and ready to return to the task with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
2. Day tripping – think of a place where you were contended and relaxed. Perhaps it is a favorite vacation spot. See yourself as you were there, so perfect – that is the sense of your contentment. You can also just simply close your eyes and imagine your favorite scene as clearly as you can. Just experience it.
3. Day dream – this is a natural, healthy, and relaxing. Build a little legalized daydreaming into the daily routine. Spend a few minutes letting your mind wander.
4. Body tucks and jives – lots of folks feel their stress in the gut, suffering from stomach pains and cramps by the end of a long, stressful day. Others come home from work with a stress headache or a stiff, sore neck that keeps miserable all night. Before you develop a literal pain in the neck or head or wherever – take a body break. Massage the joint where your upper and lower jaws meet. Let your shoulders relax, gently rotating them as you feel the pain and tension drop away.
Who actually causes stress?
Bosses – a person who always wants to tell others what to do – they are the major cause of stress on the job and of why people lose their motivation to perform. Don’t be a boss – be a coach and helper =)
Mini – vacations that doesn’t cost your money:
1. Deep Breathing – take time out to breathe. Follow the following solution – put your hands on your stomach and feel it rise as you draw air all the way down to the base of your spine. Let the air out slowly. Take another long, deep, cleaning breath and let it out. Do this several times, flooding your system with oxygen. A sense of relief and well – being washes over you. After a minute or two, you’re relaxed and rested and ready to return to the task with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
2. Day tripping – think of a place where you were contended and relaxed. Perhaps it is a favorite vacation spot. See yourself as you were there, so perfect – that is the sense of your contentment. You can also just simply close your eyes and imagine your favorite scene as clearly as you can. Just experience it.
3. Day dream – this is a natural, healthy, and relaxing. Build a little legalized daydreaming into the daily routine. Spend a few minutes letting your mind wander.
4. Body tucks and jives – lots of folks feel their stress in the gut, suffering from stomach pains and cramps by the end of a long, stressful day. Others come home from work with a stress headache or a stiff, sore neck that keeps miserable all night. Before you develop a literal pain in the neck or head or wherever – take a body break. Massage the joint where your upper and lower jaws meet. Let your shoulders relax, gently rotating them as you feel the pain and tension drop away.
Who actually causes stress?
Bosses – a person who always wants to tell others what to do – they are the major cause of stress on the job and of why people lose their motivation to perform. Don’t be a boss – be a coach and helper =)
(source: 10 minute guide to motivation people)
Great explanation! thank you very much for sharing!
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A healthy lifestyle requires you to take time to yourself and tend to your needs. Very important. I like the idea of mini vacations.
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A healthy lifestyle requires you to take time to yourself and tend to your needs. Very important. I like the idea of mini vacations.
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