Thursday, September 18, 2008

How to be a Healthy Mommy

Mothers who are often left at home to take care of the kids find less time to entertain their personal needs. Most of their time is being spend feeding the kids, helping them with their school works and doing household chores. They never get bored and complain doing their motherly role. With this lifestyle, other moms though look older than their age; this is because being left alone to care for the needs of the kids is not an easy task. And there are other moms also who despite the demanding role are maintaining their beauty and are looking young. Here are simple tips from one mother with 2 beautiful girls:

Be their friends - being with naughty kids, you will tend to shout and be harsh because of their behaviors. But learn how to deal with them in a good way. Try to be their friend and discipline them in a way that will never do such action again.

Laugh with them – play with your kids, laugh and enjoy spending times with them. Bring your kids in a place where you can bond together, some school activities requires the present of parents so make it a point to join your kids and participate in school bustles.

If you think spending time alone is what you need, read a book or listen to music in a place away from them could be helpful. And if you want to spend time with your friends, invite them in your house and prepare a meal where your friends and kids will enjoy.

Mothers, never let your children be the hindrance and the reason for you to stop caring yourself. Instead learn new things with them, laugh with them, be your kid’s playmate and take it a pleasure and an opportunity being their mother.
on picture - Gadiel Gabriel's family(wife & 2 lovely girls)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The significance of Water to our Health

It quenches our thirst! Water is not to be taken for granted because it is one of the most important means for our survival and we know that if we don’t get enough, we are likened to be dehydrated. It is always reiterated that water or being hydrated is important if we want to be healthy inside and out, and we want to lose some weight. Aside from satisfying our thirst, water helps our body to digest and process the food we take, can reduce the risk of getting diseases.

How much water do we need? Average of eight – twelve glasses each day is enough. But it all depends on our individual needs. Especially if we are the energetic type who often exercises and are active with physical activities, we are to refill our body with more water that we are loosing while doing physical activities.

While drinking sodas and other drinks and beverages is not at all bad, they are not to be considered as substitutes to the water our body required. These drinks contain sugar and other artificial flavorings are unhealthy and they often cause diseases. Avoid drinking too much sports drink; some would think that they are good especially for children because of different flavors available. These drinks, contains potassium and if taken too much, could lead to irregular heartbeat. We often think that drinking coffee could make us stay awake, why not replenish our body with clean water and do some physical activities. Sure this will keep us awake and make us healthy.

Are we getting clean water? Especially if we are using this for our beauty regimen, filtered or clean water is to be used. We have to make sure that bacteria are removed to get a better result of pure skin.

Make it a point to drink water even before we are thirsty! Put a pitcher on our working table and refill our body with this healthy and very affordable liquid that is most essential for a healthier us! Cheers!

Monday, September 15, 2008

How to protect your heart

To maintain a healthy body, we are to watch what we eat. The food we take plays an important role in our health. For a healthy heart especially, we are to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber and low in fat and salt. We are also to avoid doing unhealthy activities that could lead to damaged of our hearts, these include smoking and taking much alcohol.

A healthy diet along with physical activities can lower the risk of heart problems that is caused by out higher cholesterol level. Eating foods with high cholesterol is to be avoided. Foods containing higher level of cholesterol are eggs, prawns and those that are processed. Nowadays we are likely becoming more risk to the fats and cholesterol because mostly the products available for us contain high fats; we are then to take a careful watch on what we take.

Avoid risking health, by eating foods high in fiber, soluble ones, mostly in oats, beans and of course fruits and vegetables. But of course it should be along with proper exercise, positives views in life as always reiterated in most of my writings. We will be sure to have a healthy body, mind and of course Heart.

picture - im with andrzej

Sunday, September 14, 2008

my sunday

So tired of my day’s activity… ill be back tomorrow – with more healthy tips :)

keep smiling!!