There are people at very young age are already successful in their chosen field and career. To others success is elusive when, after doing everything to become financially stable, they are still feeling unhappy. When, after gaining the riches every human would want, their life began to loosen.
True Success is attainable, if we are to follow and live a life in harmony with the Bible’s teaching. We may be imperfect and sinful, yet, our very life can be a resounding success. Here are Bible teachings that can help each of us to reach the r
eal success.
Money –its proper place
Yes, money is the reason for all to be injurious, will do anything bad or good for the sake of money. We are therefore admonished to care ourselves and our loved ones for the real issue, the love of money. It is self – defeating and really leads to disappointment, frustration and the worst – crime.
Be Generous
Learn to be kind and give happily, and expect nothing in return. People who often give without viewing a repayment are loved and are very much appreciated. Especially if we have all the means to offer and share what we have, studies shows that those who often help are experiencing improved sense of well – being, long life and it reduces depression.
Be Forgiving
How is this supposed to be shown? Examine yourself and check whether you have caused an upset to other people. Are you freely forgiving those who ask for your forgiveness? Self- examination is where it is all should start. Forgiving comes along with self-control. It is a strength that is to be shown especially in a situation where you seem to lose yourself.
Love Unselfishly
Show a loving attitude unselfishly. Parents are to show warm affection to their children and cultivate a moral based on the Bible. Children raised in a loving family, are enjoying security and stability. Couple is also advised to view marriage as sacred and if problem arises, resolve in the spirit of love.
Spiritually Conscious
Comply with Gods standards and certainly it will shield us from bad and harmful practices. It is good for us – physically, mentally, and emotionally, and most of all Inner Peace.
True Success is attainable, if we are to follow and live a life in harmony with the Bible’s teaching. We may be imperfect and sinful, yet, our very life can be a resounding success. Here are Bible teachings that can help each of us to reach the r
Money –its proper place
Yes, money is the reason for all to be injurious, will do anything bad or good for the sake of money. We are therefore admonished to care ourselves and our loved ones for the real issue, the love of money. It is self – defeating and really leads to disappointment, frustration and the worst – crime.
Be Generous
Learn to be kind and give happily, and expect nothing in return. People who often give without viewing a repayment are loved and are very much appreciated. Especially if we have all the means to offer and share what we have, studies shows that those who often help are experiencing improved sense of well – being, long life and it reduces depression.
Be Forgiving
How is this supposed to be shown? Examine yourself and check whether you have caused an upset to other people. Are you freely forgiving those who ask for your forgiveness? Self- examination is where it is all should start. Forgiving comes along with self-control. It is a strength that is to be shown especially in a situation where you seem to lose yourself.
Love Unselfishly
Show a loving attitude unselfishly. Parents are to show warm affection to their children and cultivate a moral based on the Bible. Children raised in a loving family, are enjoying security and stability. Couple is also advised to view marriage as sacred and if problem arises, resolve in the spirit of love.
Spiritually Conscious
Comply with Gods standards and certainly it will shield us from bad and harmful practices. It is good for us – physically, mentally, and emotionally, and most of all Inner Peace.
November 2008 Issue
November 2008 Issue
on picture are my nephews - g i a n, f l o y d & j h a z p e r
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