Sunday, December 21, 2008

mini - vacations that doesnt cost a penny

Irritating colleagues, deadlines, meetings, papers to edit – these are just some of the common scenes in the office, stressful indeed! We all deserve a break, but, this doesn’t mean that we need to spend some amount. Encourage your colleagues to take several mini – vacations each day every time stress is building.

Mini – vacations that doesn’t cost your money:

1. Deep Breathing – take time out to breathe. Follow the following solution – put your hands on your stomach and feel it rise as you draw air all the way down to the base of your spine. Let the air out slowly. Take another long, deep, cleaning breath and let it out. Do this several times, flooding your system with oxygen. A sense of relief and well – being washes over you. After a minute or two, you’re relaxed and rested and ready to return to the task with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

2. Day tripping – think of a place where you were contended and relaxed. Perhaps it is a favorite vacation spot. See yourself as you were there, so perfect – that is the sense of your contentment. You can also just simply close your eyes and imagine your favorite scene as clearly as you can. Just experience it.

3. Day dream – this is a natural, healthy, and relaxing. Build a little legalized daydreaming into the daily routine. Spend a few minutes letting your mind wander.

4. Body tucks and jives – lots of folks feel their stress in the gut, suffering from stomach pains and cramps by the end of a long, stressful day. Others come home from work with a stress headache or a stiff, sore neck that keeps miserable all night. Before you develop a literal pain in the neck or head or wherever – take a body break. Massage the joint where your upper and lower jaws meet. Let your shoulders relax, gently rotating them as you feel the pain and tension drop away.

Who actually causes stress?

Bosses – a person who always wants to tell others what to do – they are the major cause of stress on the job and of why people lose their motivation to perform. Don’t be a boss – be a coach and helper =)
(source: 10 minute guide to motivation people)

Monday, December 8, 2008

grieve or not to grieve?

I am still in the period of grieving. I still miss my father especially every time I see his favorite stuff, seeing things that he usually does. Everything that reminds me of him makes me feel blue and lonely. At times, I am trying to control my emotions, hide what truly I feel and be in one cornet pretending that I am okay.

In some cultures, crying in public or expressing your feelings openly is not very much practiced especially in men. This is particularly in Europe and Britain. They are trained to hide their feelings and repress their emotions. While in some parts of the world, whether happy or sad, people express their feelings and letting others know how they feel. But when you suffer the lose of dear one, is it really wrong to show how you feel?

Grief is a normal reaction. Counselors recommends that we should express our grief and not to hide it. Weeping is part of human nature, therefore a normal reaction to the death of a loved one. Yet mourning is expressed in other ways on how it is practiced in your culture and religious belief.

Grieving for some could be longer, for others will take just some time, which is because grieving process works differently with everyone. Some would even say that we grieved long enough or didn’t even grieve at all. Let them say whatever they want, think whatever they desire. My source for this article quotes “forgive them and forget about it. If you try to force yourself into a mold created by others, you stunt your growth toward restored emotional health.”

Now I could say that what I am feeling is normal reaction to the loss of my father. I will not try to let other peoples thinking affect me because a human with normal feelings, does grieve and does mourn the loss of any loved one. I am human and I am sad –Will not let other people dictate on how I should feel or act. What helps me forget my sadness even for a little while is the hope that I will be seeing my father in paradise here on earth =)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Let me share what I have read from a book that helps me to understand life and to stop worrying and start living. I am skipping some parts and trying to go through the interesting parts =) I am sharing the latest and will share more, so keep coming!

1. Let’s fill our minds with thoughts of peace, courage, health, and hope, for “our life is what our thoughts make it.”

2. Let’s never try to get even with our enemies, because if we do we will hurt ourselves far more than we hurt them. “Let’s never waste a minute thinking about people we don’t like.”

3. Instead of worrying about ingratitude, let’s expect it. Let’s remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude- but to give for the joy of giving.

4. Count your blessings-not your troubles!

5. Let’s not imitate others. Let’s find ourselves and be ourselves, for “envy is ignorance” and imitation is suicide.”

6. When fate hands a lemon, let’s try to make a lemonade.

7. Let’s forget our own unhappiness – by trying to create a little happiness for others. “When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.”

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How to keep from Worrying about Insomnia

The recent death of my father, lead me to sleeping problem or insomnia. This dilemma has been my worry for a longer time now, I haven’t totally recovered yet. My friend lends me this book that discusses and giving some tips and advices on major problems that worrying almost all people and I have read so far rules on How to keep from Worrying about insomnia, let me share what I have read:

1. Are you the type who toss and roll on bed? Trying all the best to get a sleep? I am that kind. If we can’t sleep, the best thing to do instead of rolling, tossing on bed is to Get up and start doing other things such as Reading until we do feel sleepy.

2. No one was ever killed by lack of sleep, the thing is if we keep on thinking about insomnia that would lead as to other illness. So stop worrying because it could lead to more damage than sleeplessness.

3. Pray – the best medicine. According to what I have read - Prayer is regarded as the most adequate and normal of all the pacifiers of the mind and calmer of the nerves.

4. Relax - at home or even at work places. Start to Learn to Relax.

5. Exercise. One of the best cures for insomnia is making you physically busy, this is by gardening, swimming or simply by just plain physically exhausting work.

Do you worry when you can’t sleep well? Yes! Because I do…so let us start following the rules above and get a very goodnight sleep.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Success – How can you achieve it?

There are people at very young age are already successful in their chosen field and career. To others success is elusive when, after doing everything to become financially stable, they are still feeling unhappy. When, after gaining the riches every human would want, their life began to loosen.

True Success is attainable, if we are to follow and live a life in harmony with the Bible’s teaching. We may be imperfect and sinful, yet, our very life can be a resounding success. Here are Bible teachings that can help each of us to reach the real success.

Money –its proper place

Yes, money is the reason for all to be injurious, will do anything bad or good for the sake of money. We are therefore admonished to care ourselves and our loved ones for the real issue, the love of money. It is self – defeating and really leads to disappointment, frustration and the worst – crime.

Be Generous

Learn to be kind and give happily, and expect nothing in return. People who often give without viewing a repayment are loved and are very much appreciated. Especially if we have all the means to offer and share what we have, studies shows that those who often help are experiencing improved sense of well – being, long life and it reduces depression.

Be Forgiving

How is this supposed to be shown? Examine yourself and check whether you have caused an upset to other people. Are you freely forgiving those who ask for your forgiveness? Self- examination is where it is all should start. Forgiving comes along with self-control. It is a strength that is to be shown especially in a situation where you seem to lose yourself.

Love Unselfishly

Show a loving attitude unselfishly. Parents are to show warm affection to their children and cultivate a moral based on the Bible. Children raised in a loving family, are enjoying security and stability. Couple is also advised to view marriage as sacred and if problem arises, resolve in the spirit of love.

Spiritually Conscious

Comply with Gods standards and certainly it will shield us from bad and harmful practices. It is good for us – physically, mentally, and emotionally, and most of all Inner Peace.
November 2008 Issue
on picture are my nephews - g i a n, f l o y d & j h a z p e r

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mind your Health

A healthy body and mind is important for a happy and complete life, a person will even trade even his wealth just to live longer and for a better health.

My today’s post came in mind when I was watching a television advertisement few hours ago, even followed the title – Mind Your Health – a milk product and I totally agree, milk is good enough to maintain a healthier body. However I am not going to name the milk nor promote it :-) ... milk product varies depending on our age; some are even made to cater for the entire family. This I think is more practical, for those members whose ages are from 10 – 49 years old. Mothers are always advised to breastfeed up to 2 years if possible, otherwise there is milk meant for babies until they reach a certain age. Older ones from 50 years old – to avoid osteoporosis problem, is to take recommended milk good enough for their age.

I myself was deprived of milk when I was younger. Not deprived but rather my parents can’t afford to buy milk for us. Our parents would rather spend the money for our rice and food. Buy the more important things for the house instead of spending it for our milk. I found out through my orthopedic that I have my 10 degree scoliosis and was diagnosed five years ago. I have no reason to panic though, because my case is the type that will never improve, yet I am being careful and since I can afford to buy myself milk, I never forget to take at least a glass or 2 a day.

Include milk in your list of important needs for yourself, buy calcium rich foods. Never underestimate the nutrients and advantages it will give to your health. Make it a point to take at least 2 glasses of milk everyday especially while you are still young. As we get older, our bones are getting weaker, so, while still young establish and build stronger bones.

So mind your health – live with healthy lifestyle, healthy diet along with 2 glasses of milk, and you sure will live longer, look and feel younger.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How to be a Healthy Mommy

Mothers who are often left at home to take care of the kids find less time to entertain their personal needs. Most of their time is being spend feeding the kids, helping them with their school works and doing household chores. They never get bored and complain doing their motherly role. With this lifestyle, other moms though look older than their age; this is because being left alone to care for the needs of the kids is not an easy task. And there are other moms also who despite the demanding role are maintaining their beauty and are looking young. Here are simple tips from one mother with 2 beautiful girls:

Be their friends - being with naughty kids, you will tend to shout and be harsh because of their behaviors. But learn how to deal with them in a good way. Try to be their friend and discipline them in a way that will never do such action again.

Laugh with them – play with your kids, laugh and enjoy spending times with them. Bring your kids in a place where you can bond together, some school activities requires the present of parents so make it a point to join your kids and participate in school bustles.

If you think spending time alone is what you need, read a book or listen to music in a place away from them could be helpful. And if you want to spend time with your friends, invite them in your house and prepare a meal where your friends and kids will enjoy.

Mothers, never let your children be the hindrance and the reason for you to stop caring yourself. Instead learn new things with them, laugh with them, be your kid’s playmate and take it a pleasure and an opportunity being their mother.
on picture - Gadiel Gabriel's family(wife & 2 lovely girls)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The significance of Water to our Health

It quenches our thirst! Water is not to be taken for granted because it is one of the most important means for our survival and we know that if we don’t get enough, we are likened to be dehydrated. It is always reiterated that water or being hydrated is important if we want to be healthy inside and out, and we want to lose some weight. Aside from satisfying our thirst, water helps our body to digest and process the food we take, can reduce the risk of getting diseases.

How much water do we need? Average of eight – twelve glasses each day is enough. But it all depends on our individual needs. Especially if we are the energetic type who often exercises and are active with physical activities, we are to refill our body with more water that we are loosing while doing physical activities.

While drinking sodas and other drinks and beverages is not at all bad, they are not to be considered as substitutes to the water our body required. These drinks contain sugar and other artificial flavorings are unhealthy and they often cause diseases. Avoid drinking too much sports drink; some would think that they are good especially for children because of different flavors available. These drinks, contains potassium and if taken too much, could lead to irregular heartbeat. We often think that drinking coffee could make us stay awake, why not replenish our body with clean water and do some physical activities. Sure this will keep us awake and make us healthy.

Are we getting clean water? Especially if we are using this for our beauty regimen, filtered or clean water is to be used. We have to make sure that bacteria are removed to get a better result of pure skin.

Make it a point to drink water even before we are thirsty! Put a pitcher on our working table and refill our body with this healthy and very affordable liquid that is most essential for a healthier us! Cheers!

Monday, September 15, 2008

How to protect your heart

To maintain a healthy body, we are to watch what we eat. The food we take plays an important role in our health. For a healthy heart especially, we are to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber and low in fat and salt. We are also to avoid doing unhealthy activities that could lead to damaged of our hearts, these include smoking and taking much alcohol.

A healthy diet along with physical activities can lower the risk of heart problems that is caused by out higher cholesterol level. Eating foods with high cholesterol is to be avoided. Foods containing higher level of cholesterol are eggs, prawns and those that are processed. Nowadays we are likely becoming more risk to the fats and cholesterol because mostly the products available for us contain high fats; we are then to take a careful watch on what we take.

Avoid risking health, by eating foods high in fiber, soluble ones, mostly in oats, beans and of course fruits and vegetables. But of course it should be along with proper exercise, positives views in life as always reiterated in most of my writings. We will be sure to have a healthy body, mind and of course Heart.

picture - im with andrzej

Sunday, September 14, 2008

my sunday

So tired of my day’s activity… ill be back tomorrow – with more healthy tips :)

keep smiling!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Avoid thinking too much of Your Age

Here are some tips on how to look young despite aging

Learn something new – don’t let your age stop you in learning new things especially things that interest you. Don’t let negative thinking control your life. Deal with problems positively; and learn from your mistakes in a positive way.

Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly – eat plenty of fresh and vegetables and plenty of fresh juices and milk. Drink plenty of water to keep you body hydrated and get rid of skin dullness.

Keep your friends and maintain a good relationship with them. Spend time hanging around, enjoying and relaxing. Stay in love and avoid thinking that you are old enough to fall in love.

40’s, are you about to reach this age? Or you might be in this age already. Never worry too much! They say that life starts at 40 :) … it is okay to be 40 as long as you look 30, so maintain a positive view in life and maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.. keep smiling!
on picture - ate inday

Friday, September 12, 2008

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Unhealthy lifestyle of many today leads to poor health and health problems, and if not treated or corrected could lead to diseases. As early as possible, we have to live a healthy lifestyle for us not to regret of the results of our not so good actions.

Harmful lifestyle includes: smoking – we are always reminded on television, radio and papers, that to smoke is bad for our health. It could lead to lung cancer and other unwanted effects. If you are a smoker, don’t you think now is the right time to quit? If you want to live longer then you will consider the advice.

Too much intake of alcohol is not advisable. We all know that “too much” isn’t healthy. Red wine is known to be a good help for our heart, but moderation is the secret. Taking of not so healthy food should also be avoided. These includes fatty, processed, and low in nutrients foods. Instead, make it a habit to eat fresh fruits and vegetables as well as plenty of water and milk.

Sleep at least eight hours to avoid the haggard and dry look the next day. Regular exercise is not to be ignored. Manage stress positively. Don’t let it control you and be a reason to stop living a healthy lifestyle. Keep learning and don’t forget the importance of laughing.

There are various ways to oppose unhealthy lifestyle. What is needed is the determination coupled with actions to lead a healthy lifestyle. And if you believe you are in the process or in the peak of it, then keep going and keep doing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to Stay Young and Beautiful

Women especially are very much conscious on staying young and beautiful. Staying, looking and feeling young aren’t hard to achieve, and there is no big secret on how to be one. Just follow the following guides and you’ll surely be on your way on achieving the beautiful and new you ;)

Start with the food you intake. Enjoy serving yourself with fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t skip meals, eat regularly and in moderation. Avoid fatty and processed foods. Healthy diet! Plenty of liquid especially water. Water keeps your skin young looking and healthy. We are advised to drink eight glasses of water each day. Do you??

Exercise is one of the important key to keep you physically fit and young, and beautiful. It is a good way to let go of your worries in life, so consider performing exercises that will improve and maintain your body postures, and will boost your energy levels. As we all know that enough sleep is significant especially if we want to ignore and get rid of getting older. Don’t ignore the benefit of getting enough sleep. But before going to bed, be sure to apply and stick on your night skin management. There are three important regimes to consider – to cleanse, tone and moisturize! Be sure to use proven and beauty products that goes well with your type of skin.

Finally, relax and love. Smile, laugh and positively deal with every situation in life. Stay in love! Love will keep you young and beautiful!! BE HEALTHY!
pic - im with my couzin A R M I

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Cope with Changes Positively

Whether in work or at home, changes happens and it is part of our lives. These changes are either what we are expecting, long been waiting or we didn’t really want but it happened. How are we supposed to view and cope with modifications that constantly affect us?

It is proven that people who are viewing changes in their lives are often the ones that succeed. This is because whatever transformation they experienced, they are viewing it positively. Handling with changes is likened to a talent that is learned and trained to improve and eventually to master.

To learn and improve, help and support of other people such as our family and friends are needed. They will be affected with whatever change in us, ask their assistance on how to deal with it positively. Another is through the help of those experienced, who will guide and advise you and who successfully made it after experiencing so many changes.

Viewing changes as the opportunity to develop as a person is the best we could do. Don’t ever think that everything that is happening into your life is because of the negative changes. Instead, adapt on it and consider it as a tool to improve. Remember that it is not only you who are going through so many changes in life, and that you have gone through so many changes and successfully make it. Don’t be afraid to face more and always remember to keep viewing it positively… Be Healthy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tips on How to Get Over a Break-Up

After a failure relationship, moving on is the next thing to do. And it is not as easy as other would say, especially if you are the one dumped or you did not initiate the break up. Hence, we have no choice but to accept the fact and keep going. However, there are some tips on how to reduce the pain, and here are some:

Cry and keep crying - Scream if you want, don’t control yourself, until you will realize and decide that weeping need to be over. Then you will feel quite better and getting better each day. You will then start to recover, keep going and learn something from what you experienced.

Completely cut off the contact – this is especially if you are still in love with your ex, while the other doesn’t share the same feeling. Removing information is best to do, if it could likely be the reason for you to remember or contact him/her. Avoid visiting places where you could remember the shared memories, and if ever you are in the same work place, try to be professional as possible. Avoid talking or discussing your relationship, this often hurts and makes it harder for you to keep going. Cutting off the communication completely is not easy but is attainable. Never ever “be friend” your ex, some says that being friends is possible. Maybe, but it is hard especially if the pain is still intense. The “we can be just friends” is wise if you both have moved on and over with your feelings.

Be with friends – they are the ones you can lean on during this weakest point of your life. Doing things that will keep you active is a great tool in getting over a break up. Pamper yourself, have a massage, buy new clothes and try enrolling in some interesting crafts. Meet new people, but don’t get involved to another relationship, especially if you are not yet over your past affiliation. Don’t flounder yourself with alcoholic drinks, yes you might forget the pain but only for a while, and will sometimes worsen your feeling. Sometimes feeling hopeless that you will never pass the experience could lead you to indulge into alcohol, but be optimistic that you will sure get over the pain.

Note down your thoughts - the hurt, anger, frustrations - everything that you are feeling. This is helpful and therapeutic, and an outlet for some, be sure to scratch or burn the note you have written though. With regards to the “gifts” your ex have given you, the letters or other things, put them away from your sight. But never chuck or burn them, often after getting over your feelings, you may wish to check them again.

Getting over a break up does takes time, be more patient and make this a moment to reflect about you, but then avoid blaming yourself. There is a reason beyond what happened, but never ever think that the reason was you. Finding such reason is not easy, but to keep going you need to discern conclusion on your own.
picture - L i t z Ramos

Monday, September 8, 2008

How to Motivate Yourself

There are decisions we do in life that sometimes end up to nothing. We focus on a certain plan; we sometimes feel we did everything we could but at the end all our desire seems worthless. This is sometimes due to some difficulties and challenges that we encounter along the way. We have plans and because we don’t have motivation, we end up nothing. This will lead to unhealthy feeling and even depression.

Here are some tips on how to motivate ourselves:

Make a plan, be organized, be positive and focus on the output. Avoid thinking negative feelings and don’t let such thoughts control your mind, this could be the main reason you will lose your self confidence. So focus on the bright side and remain positive and get over the vague feelings.

Be around with optimistic people. They will encourage and help build up your and improve your motivation. Be confident and influenced by them. Claim that you can do things rightly being around with these people.

Don’t easily give up. If you fall then start over again. There is always a room for improvement. Just remember to always be excited on your plans and thrilled on a highest level.
pic - i am with danna & m a r i a n n e

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What to consider in Finding a Job

Finding a job is what occupies lives of many people nowadays. Where to find and how to find are the two questions to consider in searching for a job. Here are some tips on what to consider in finding job:

In newspapers, there is a section meant for those searching for work. Often small and local companies place their ads in local papers, while international companies are likely to post vacancies through national papers. However, online search for jobs is so common these days, arranged by categories and in every country. This is not bad at all, what is bad is to wait too long for response or invitation for interviews. And even wait in vain, I personally experienced this; and I was really frustrated. Since names are stored in a database, so you will likely wait until the employers search your record. Be careful, and it is better to subscribe and receive or get the latest job vacancies through your email.

It is of course best to apply in a job where you understand and know your responsibilities. You will be likely more confident, to apply in a work that matches your experience and educational attainment. The first thing to put in mind in finding a career - you like what you will be doing. Even you will be earning lower wage, it isn’t a big thing as long as you are enjoying in what you are doing. Less stress and you are happily looking ahead to work each day. BE HEALTHY!
on picture - im with donna & arni

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just another ordinary day … what is Aero-kae-bo?

Another day is about to end, not truly a good day but not too bad either. A little misunderstanding or a little exchange of sought after words occurred. Well, maybe because the other person is trying to get into the situation. Or perhaps, she might as well precise but the person receiving the line of words does not welcome such proposal. A normal day that happens in a family, and both are ready to let go and forget the situation that took place and of course the words that was spoken totally beyond.

Went to the mall in the afternoon to buy some personal stuff and allotted only few hours. No traffic jam, no hassle along the way. Home, now writing a little post for her blog and then in a little while, will do a promised burning of compact disc. Pledged she did to herself. Will actually copy a borrowed cd from a friend, aero-kae-bo. LOL

What is Aer.Kae.Bo. Aero – stands for aerobics, kae - for karate and bo – for boxing. This morning was actually my 3rd day of doing, and wow undeniably relaxing..(naks!), especially the ten minutes combination. Good for starter like me, easy to follow that even the kids joined me. I just hope that I would be able to do it regularly ;) Yap, we need to try or do any work out to keep our body fit, to stay young, to look young and BE HEALTHY! along with proper diet of course… (are these lines familiar? huh!) but if you are already doing it, carry on! ;)

Friday, September 5, 2008

What if the Head of the Family is away?

Most of the time, Mothers are left to take full responsibilities of the children, to play both the role of the father and the look after. Often, the head or the father is in the part of the world, with the purpose of earning more and to support the needs of his family. This is mostly the case in Asian countries. And this is the case with my couple friends, Janice Fulgueras full time mom and Michael Fulgueras, loyal husband and father, who is working in Brunei Darussalam. Quite stressful for Janice or moms because they are the one left home with kids. So, here are little help and tips on how to lessen the pressure of being alone bringing up the children ;)

Make a schedule, for your motherly life to be less stressful. For everything that should be done, make a list. Mothers are often leaving no time to rest. But you can lessen your work, such as preparing meals ahead, then you can just reheat the prepared meal, this will give you time to relax or spend longer time with the kids. Play with your kids. This is as well the best time to interact with your children, to recognize the negative sides and help them to overcome such pessimistic aspect. Doing home chores is not an easy task, so mothers, as early as possible train your children to help you with the house hold chores. Training could be fun and educational at the same. Make some strategies for it not to be boring.

If you want time to relax with your fellow mothers or girlfriends, set a day to have coffee with them or perhaps invite them to come over and catch up, this can even bring closer bond between your kids and your friends. As mothers, you need to make time for yourself; you deserve to be revived, doing stuff that will make you feel pleased. Mothers, unwind and be happy, for you to be a better person and a great Mommy to your children.BE HEALTHY!!
on picture - michael's family

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to deal with your Complicated Boss

One of my dearest friends, Gadiel Gabriel who is based in Dubai, shared with me how bad he felt when his boss uttered unkindly words for him. He was so annoyed and sad of what happened, and didn’t really expect such behavior from his superior. How are we supposed to handle and how are we going to work with complicated boss? Take some of these advices:

Since you are in a place of work, don’t take it too personal. As long as you know what your duties and responsibilities are, don’t easily get frustrated. There might be some reasons beyond your work that makes your boss annoyed. Yet there are supervisors or big bosses that didn’t undergo management training, if this is your case, then talk to them, clarify and know their expectations from you and ask them how you and they can work together as a team.

There are kind of boss whose habit is to shout and humiliate their employees. If these are your kind of superior, explain how such practice has big blow with your performance. If you have a part on the conflict, admit and suggest some resolutions for you to be productive on every assignment.

Try also to recognize and deal with your own negative reactions. But this doesn’t mean you blame yourself, instead evaluate your job performance and if needed try to improve your manners.

Never ever think you are the only person to deal with this kind of boss, irritating, arrogant, or whatever negative that best describe them. Find your shock absorber or a mentor that will guide and advice you all the way. But if you think enduring your boss’s attitude will spoil your career, then take this advice - Quit!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Laughter – is it really the Best Medicine?

Don’t we feel relax and calm every time we bout a laugh? Study shows that everyday laugh may protect us against heart diseases. It reduces the pain and boosts our job performance. So then, true indeed that laughter is the best medicine.

Laughter is the key to having a positive and closer relationship to other people. At work, it increases our performance; our creativity and eagerness to solve compound problems and helps to having a good association with our colleagues. Yet, people often laugh because they have reasons to; healthy people especially have more reasons to laugh. Some has the personality to handle better on some issues in life.

Exercise regularly, healthy diet and avoid doing unhealthy acts and activities. Include laughter in our daily activities. What if we have no reason to laugh? Then why not, watch funny movies and magazines and books with humorous topics and partake in humorous conversations. Sitting and laughing while watching, reading or listening isn’t costly. There is no reason to deprive ourselves to enjoy and relax.

We don’t need to see a doctor and ask for a prescription to laugh. It is all free, so live each day with humor and laugh a few minutes. Laugh, for it is if not the best, maybe a good medicine! BE HEALTHY!
on pic - cute d a n n a

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here are some Tips on How to Stay Young

Who doesn’t want to be forever young? Any person would spend plenty of money or would trade all their riches to stay and look young. Yet we all are meant to get old and become seniors. Despite aging, practical and optimistic effort could progress our quality of life. Here are tips on how to stay young, live longer and healthy:

Stay healthy. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Balance diet is the key to having a healthy weight. Take abundance of liquid, to maintain healthy skin and get rid of the waste.

Learn something new. Age shouldn’t be a hindrance on learning new things. We might reason that, we are old enough to learn some things, minimize and free our minds from this reasoning or thinking. Keep learning, there is no age limit in learning anything new.

Exercise regularly. This will keep us strong and healthy, young and exercise for our better emotional perspective.
Handle stress. Who among us are living a stress free life? Manage stress and view it as part of our living. Make ways on how to handle and adjust to the situations. React positively.

Maintain strong relationship. Keeping a close relationship with family and friends are important to staying healthy and young.

We need to be active and never allow our age, that number to stop us on doing things and activities that has been part of our lives. Stay young and BE HEALTHY!
on pic - A R M I

Friday, August 22, 2008

Completely Positive

View life Positively
Why? As we all know, positive attitude will lead to success while negative attitude is leading to failure. Having pessimistic view in life could delay aging… less chance of becoming week, sounds good right? Viewing life positively can even improve our Health both physical and mentally

How to be Positive? Show this by dealing with our daily life positively. Most of us are facing some problems and challenges in life, so be strong! View these challenges as our chance or rightly say opportunities to change and grow, take this as learning point and learn from experiences for a better us!

Keep control of our mind and in everything we do, and what we think. Develop some approaches on how to deal with our problems, maintain a list of our goals and opportunities, stay focus and be excited. After all, we all deserve to be happy and successful, so learn how to relax, laugh and enjoy!

To be positive, and in viewing life positively, we need to be with people who shares the same view as ours. Meet new friends, associate and have fun meeting them. Don’t be afraid to ask some questions, to explain your ideas, be optimistic!

So Look, Feel and Stay young and view life positively!! Start it today!! Lets all be HEALTHY!!
picture - i am with friends

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm rejuvenated

My nights have had been sleepless for some reasons that I can’t figure out. Lack of sleep could lead to dry skin, bigger eye bags and we have to admit we easily get irritated. How UNHEALTHY! Many among us experience this dilemma and would be willing to do anything to have a good sleep at night…

Try the following helpful tips that could alleviate our sleepless nights and face tomorrow with a beautiful smile :=)

1. Set Body Clock – stick to sleeping schedule; go to bed the same time every night. This allows our body to set its sleeping pattern and remember to stick to our schedule even on weekends.
2. Exercise – exercising at least 30 minutes a day will help our body get a better sleep at night because our body recovers the muscles and joints that we used when we exercised.
3. Avoid napping – napping at day steals our time for nighttime sleep.
4. Avoid caffeine – at least 6 hours before bed time, try not to take caffeine.
5. Bedroom environment – set the rooms temperature. Dark and quiet environment is needed if possible. Turn off the radio or television and remember that bedroom is use for sleeping.

After following the tips above, I’m rejuvenated ;)